Your safety and wellness are important to us.
Despite many challenges we are facing today, we are striving to continue providing timely and quality care to our patients.
Same-day appointments are available for existing and new patients through telehealth and in-office visit
within the COVID-19 operational guideline.
Telehealth Appointment Procedure
For patients with communication devices (e.g., smart phone and tablet) based on Android platform, please install Google Duo or Skype apps prior to appointment time.
For patients with Apple communication devices (e.g., iPhone and iPad), please verify that your Facetime app works properly.
Call our office during business hours to schedule the appointment. At this time, please specify the type of app and the phone number (or email address) that you will use for your visit.
Our office will initiate the specified app to contact you at the scheduled time.
In Office Appointment Procedure
To reduce the infection risk with the Coronavirus, we will screen patient’s conditions prior to in office appointment. Please call us in advance for the screening.
Patient who has a sore throat, fever, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, or recently traveled or been in any contact with a high-risk group may not be scheduled for in office visit. Please call us so we can address your concern or you can call the hospital Coronavirus hotline at 410-601-2222.
Waiting room is not utilized at this time. From your car, please call 410-701-4600 (option 0) to check-in. We may ask you to wait in your car until we can invite you into our examination room.
Only one family member accompanies a patient who absolutely needs help.